A Self preparation guide for studying GATE..!

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Detailed Study Report On Divide on Rule Policy of Gate Exam Study.(Topic Wise)


1. Signals and Systems:

·         Start with basic concepts like signals, systems, and their classification

·         Learn about Fourier series, Fourier transform, and Laplace transform

·         Study system properties like causality, stability, linearity, and time-invariance

·         Understand the basics of sampling and quantization

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


2. Electronic Devices and Circuits:

·         Begin with semiconductor physics, p-n junctions, and diodes

·         Learn about bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors

·         Study amplifier configurations like common emitter, common collector, and common base

·         Understand oscillators, feedback, and operational amplifiers

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


3. Networks:

·         Start with basic circuit analysis techniques like KCL, KVL, and nodal analysis

·         Learn about network theorems like superposition, Thevenin, and Norton

·         Study frequency response and resonance in circuits

·         Understand filters and their types

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


4. Engineering Mathematics:

·         Start with linear algebra, including matrices, determinants, and systems of linear equations

·         Learn about calculus, including limits, derivatives, and integrals

·         Study differential equations, including first-order and second-order differential equations

·         Understand probability and statistics, including mean, variance, and probability distributions

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


5. Analog Circuits:

·         Start with small-signal analysis of amplifiers

·         Learn about differential amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, and power amplifiers

·         Study the basics of voltage regulators and voltage references

·         Understand the concepts of noise, distortion, and stability

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


6. Digital Circuits:

·         Begin with Boolean algebra, logic gates, and logic families

·         Learn about combinational circuits like adders, decoders, and multiplexers

·         Study sequential circuits like flip-flops and counters

·         Understand memory and programmable logic devices

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


7. Control Systems:

·         Start with modeling of dynamic systems

·         Learn about time-domain and frequency-domain analysis techniques

·         Study control system components like controllers, sensors, and actuators

·         Understand system stability and performance measures

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


8. Communications:

·         Begin with modulation techniques like amplitude modulation and frequency modulation

·         Learn about demodulation techniques and signal-to-noise ratio

·         Study pulse modulation techniques like pulse amplitude modulation and pulse code modulation

·         Understand digital communication techniques like ASK, FSK, PSK, and QAM

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


9. Electromagnetic Fields:

·         Start with vector calculus and coordinate systems

·         Learn about electrostatics and magnetostatics

·         Study electromagnetic waves and wave propagation

·         Understand transmission lines and waveguides

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


1       10.    Semiconductor Devices:

·         Begin with the basics of crystal structure and doping

·         Learn about carrier transport in semiconductors

·         Study p-n junctions, MOS capacitors, and MOSFETs

·         Understand bipolar junction transistors and BJT biasing

·         Practice with numerical problems and previous year's GATE questions


1        11. Power Electronics:

·         Start with the basics of power semiconductor devices like diodes and thyristors

·         Learn about power electronic converters like AC-DC, DC-DC, and DC-AC converters

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